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Faces of Homelessness- Lydia’s Story

Lydia was in her 7th month of pregnancy and became homeless due to a domestic violence situation. With no family able to support her, she was grateful to find comfort, support, and security at Home of the Sparrow. She delivered her healthy baby daughter successfully, but staff members noticed that she began to struggle with postpartum depression.

Staff at Home of the Sparrow met and developed a plan to ensure that all of Lydia’s needs were met, including the baby’s needs as well. Lydia participated in intensive case management and community support that included mental health services, referrals to medical providers, crisis assessment, employment support, and linkages to community resources and daycare. She also attended our parenting and financial budgeting classes.


Home of the Sparrow places a strong emphasis on employment. The staff prepared Lydia with employment assistance, but it was her diligence in seeking a job that paid off when she obtained full-time employment at a local market. Lydia’s case manager noticed that Lydia began to smile for the first time! Lydia loved her new job and began to show joy and pride in her position. Her job marked the end of her depression and the beginning of independence, as her self-esteem and sense of self-worth continued to grow.


Lydia was always loving and attentive toward her new baby. Consistent support and encouragement from staff helped Lydia see that she was fully capable of taking care of herself and her daughter.  After carefully saving most of her paychecks, Lydia was ready to move out of the shelter into her own housing after only 6 months! She now shares an apartment with a close friend, and now enjoys a full life of self-sufficiency.


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