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January 11th, 2021 is National Human Trafficking Awareness Day. Know the Signs of Human Trafficking!

Educating our #community on the signs of #humantrafficking has been a #goal for the 22 nd Judicial Circuit Family Violence Coordinating Council (FVCC). They provide professional education and prevention; coordinate interventions and services for victims and perpetrators; and contribute to both the improvement of the legal system and the administration of justice. Do you want your organization trained on the signs of human trafficking? If so, contact the FVCC Coordinator, Linda Hooten, at

January 11th is also recognized as #nationalhumantraffickingawareness Day. Show #communitysupport by wearing blue and having the conversation with others. If you take a picture and post it to your social platforms make sure to use the hashtag #WearBlueDay. Together we can make a difference!

See Something, Say Something! The work of #preventing #humantrafficking belongs to all of us. Help us raise awareness by sharing this information and having conversations with your children, family and friends. The National Human Trafficking Hotline calls sex trafficking a form of #moderndayslavery. Traffickers
seek out a person’s vulnerabilities. Victims are found all over and many are even trafficked by family members.


Facebook pages: @childproofamerica, @dhsbluecampaign, @McHenryCountyGovernment


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